Crisp - Clean - Bright


Hi, I'm Andrea, a wedding / family / senior / newborn / event photographer, living in the heartland of Oklahoma.


I'm a wife, momma, pet-owner and an OU graduate who has never met a stranger. Photography has always been second nature to me but recently I took it to the next level with professional courses to help me master my skill.



When people ask me how long I’ve been a photographer, I have a really hard time answering that question.  Honestly, I’ve had a camera in my hand, capturing moments with my friends since middle school.  I’m going to age myself, but I was the girl that brought her little Powershot camera everywhere.  My friends knew who to come to when they wanted something captured.  I took A LOT of pictures. The people at the photo lab (that was before digital images) knew me by name.


My ultimate goal as your photographer is to give you images you will cherish and love for a lifetime.  Oh, and I love making new friends along the way.  


If you like what you see in my photo galleries and web pages then you're going to LOVE your photos and we're going to love working together!  I believe every picture I take and give you should be picture-frame worthy.  I look forward to creating wonderful memories for you!


Let's Connect! 918-907-1044 (call or text) or  [email protected]